Sunday 29 April 2012

Douglas Fraser - A leak in the growth pipeline

Click here to open Douglas' article in a new window

"The double dip into recession is now confirmed for the United Kingdom, but Scotland has to wait nearly three months to find out if it shared that unhappy experience this past winter. "

Saturday 28 April 2012

Brian Taylor - Extreme law enforcement at Holyrood

Click here to open Brian's article in a new window

"I have never been a particular fan of science fiction.

Indeed, I once chaired the estimable Iain Banks at the Edinburgh Book Festival only to discover to my dismay that the event featured his sci-fi alter-ego Iain M. Banks, whose work deals with matters inter-galactic."

Douglas Fraser - Reach for the Sky jobs

"If you're not willing to fight for Scottish jobs and the Scottish economy, you shouldn't be in Scottish politics. So says the First Minister. And who would argue with that?"